Sony 52" LCD TV Speaker: 182669611, 1-826-696-11, 1-826-476-11, KDL-52XBR5, KDL-52XBR4, KDL-52XBR2, KDL-46XBR2, KDL-46XBR3
182669611, 1-826-696-11, 1-826-476-11
Manufacturer part number:
182669611, 1-826-696-11, 1-826-476-11
Part Details:
- Sony 52" LCD TV Speaker Model # KDL-52XBR5, Left Speaker
- Compatible with the following model #s: KDL-52XBR5, KDL-52XBR4, KDL-52XBR2, KDL-46XBR2, KDL-46XBR3
- 100% working condition (unit was fully function tested & certified by a technician)
Shipping Information:
- International shipping surcharge is calculated by item weight
- Shipping is through USPS Priority Mail
- Handling time: 1 business day (no shipping on Sundays and holidays)
No Return:
(182669611)((PP)(JJ1)(SP-4) LE52
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